Do you ever struggle to understand how the Bible can be applied to your everyday life? Sometimes, the things we hear in church can seem like nice concepts but that's all they seem to be, concepts. What happens when Monday rolls around and you have to deal with the stresses of real life? The rubber meets the road and you need something that works. Here at FCCozarks, we believe the Bible is more than just a nice story but has everything we need to succeed in life and we look for the real life answers that can be found when we trust in Him.

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We believe wholeheartedly that we serve a God who not only can heal but will heal and is still healing today. We like to ask, "how can I be am sick if I were healed?" because our healing was bought and purchased at the cross of calvary.

If you need healing, contact us. We would love to get into faith with you for anything you want to see change in your life.



"Thank you for your radio ministry. My spirit jumps up and down with joy and excitement
hearing your teaching! Thank you for doing it."

"As I was listening to you on Facebook, I really was blessed by your teaching.
You really encourage me in my faith. Thank you for all you do."

"The praise and worship is so awesome, they really do a great job. I pray the Lord blesses each one of them.
They really usher in a great move of the spirit with their heartfelt praise. Of course the preaching is
out of this world. Thank you all for your precious ministry."